Still Small Voice is a channel on YouTube where Clare du Bois teaches on intimacy with God and how easy it is to cultivate, through daily messages from Jesus which she shares.
Much opposition has been launched against these teachings saying that an intimate relationship with God is not possible. But through this Blog, we are going to prove, scripturally, that God has indeed mandated this profound relationship in the last days we live in. We now have over 300 videos teaching on intimacy and discernment, leading souls to embrace God as Jesus embraced us when He walked the earth.
He is continually longing to hold His Bride tenderly, in utmost purity, and comfort her through her trials while He also receives comfort from the praise and adoration from her. So many turn away from God, not knowing that He has feelings too. He longs to be recognized, worshiped and comforted by His Creation which is still under the curse of sin, yet soon to be liberated at the millennial reign of Christ on Earth.
We also teach that this intimacy is absolutely essential to help us overcome this world full of seductions of every conceivable sort. Knowing God is Loving God and Loving God brings us to a place where sin is just not an option for us anymore.
When we are head over heels in love with Jesus, it is so much easier to forsake ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him, leaving sins of the past behind us forever. Our prayer and hope is that you will discover the sound scriptural principles that this intimate relationship is built on, and with all your heart pursue the lover of your soul.
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Much love to you as you discover and embrace this treasured relationship with Him.