Category Archives: Graven Images

I know that this doctrine of Mary to a Protestant believer could be a tough pill to swallow…

…and I know it has been for me—because it went against most everything that I was raised to believe. However up until this message, I do not believe there is anything you have taught about this subject that has been contrary to Scripture. But now, dearest Clare, I ask you go discernment about this bowing to images. To me this is… Read more »

Having statues of Jesus and pictures is having “Graven Images” in your house!

  We have this declaration come around once in a while. It seems some feel that you can never have a picture of Jesus hung, especially near your private worship/devotional place. Never have a statue of Him or anyone else there. And the source of this is always the OT quote about graven images. Going back to where it was… Read more »