In part of a longer message about His Passion, Jesus addressed what Simeon meant by telling Mary that ‘a sword will pierce even her own soul.’ Speaking of the prayers ‘The Stations of the Cross’: “The fruits of these meditations are magnificent beyond the finest and most flawless gems. The pricelessness of the whole world and activity of My Heart… Read more »
…and I know it has been for me—because it went against most everything that I was raised to believe. However up until this message, I do not believe there is anything you have taught about this subject that has been contrary to Scripture. But now, dearest Clare, I ask you go discernment about this bowing to images. To me this is… Read more »
Thanks for explaining the scriptures, Clare. You are doing a good job really. ❤ I was afraid of God at the beginning reading the scriptures. But on this Channel you are showing me the truth. Now when I understand finally what Jesus said in this story. It is like a shock which moves my heart greatly. Yes, I do wait… Read more »
No, it is not idolatry, never is it said she is God. What IS SAID between the lines, is that she was faithful on Earth, therefore in Heaven she is given greater tasks. What do you call someone who has been crowned? How many times does Scripture tell us about our Crowns? There are many queens and kings in the… Read more »
I died unexpectedly during labor, and remember when I was carried to Heaven and found myself in front of Jesus. He was SOOOOO loving and kind!! No one can describe how amazing it feels to be in His presence!! He was NOT displeased or offended by my respect for His mother during my life, I assure you! He showed me… Read more »
My cousin, last year of January, was about to die of a 4th stage rare cancer. After I heard about it, I started praying the rosary two to three times a day together with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, for I don’t want her to pass away yet, she’s 21 at that time. Then we checked our auntie about her… Read more »
A Heartdweller recently stated: “I remember i heard this: we have only 3 Holy’s. The Holy Father,The Holy Son and The Holy Spirit. So when I pray to Mary, I don’t say ‘Holy’ Mary but rather I would say ‘Mother’ Mary. Clare answered: You are confused and have misunderstood her role… We don’t pray to Mary or through Mary. We… Read more »
…that Jesus has given me such a heart for His Mother over the last few years. For twenty-seven years I carried around dogma in my heart regarding Mother Mary. Jesus has led me out of all of it, cleansing both my mind and my heart, giving me the truth about her and the proper perspective that I should have towards… Read more »
…from cancer, and my mother was the only one there with her in the hospital room when she passed. My mom told me all about it, it’s quite amazing, very similar to the way Clare describes her mom’s passing in the prologue to Chronicles of the Bride. My grandmother was almost lifeless in her hospital bed for a few days… Read more »
…use a rosary…?? Really confusing. Answer: No… you pray to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You pray to Jesus and invite your friends to pray for you to Him as well. Mary is in the Great Cloud of Witnesses, so she is part of the Body of Christ in Heaven, but filled with the Holy Spirit as Scripture… Read more »