Hi guys. This is actually my favorite Christian channel and has been since 2015 (long-time viewer, and video liker, but I very rarely comment). I am dealing with a crisis right now. My “dad” died a few weeks ago, but I can’t even call him that, because he was not that to me. I read prayers with him in his… Read more »
We have to begin our understanding of suffering by understanding why Jesus had to die. Paul goes into a teaching about this in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15. I won’t go into the entire thing – but the end of what He was teaching is that, “24 Then the final stage of completion comes, when He will bring… Read more »
There’s something very revealing in this question from a listener. Let’s look at this question a little more closely. God doesn’t love us “even though” we are wicked. He hates the wickedness that man does. But there’s a BIG difference between sinful men and wicked deeds. Everyone is born a sinner – we can’t help it. It’s because of the… Read more »
There are several things to consider under this question. Let’s look at them one by one. First: What are you made up of? The Bible teaches us that we have a physical body, a spirit and a soul. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 – And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul… Read more »
So, you followed the formula the Lord gave, prayed with someone – and nothing happened! Why? In His message “Gift of Healing, The Lord Gives Us Points to Remember,” Oct 1, 2015* The Lord outlines several reasons this may happen. Let’s take a look at some of them. 1.”One thing you should remember to consider is the state of their… Read more »
Not on your own, but Jesus can and will heal through you. Healing is a gift available to ALL through the power of Holy Spirit. (It is much more readily available to you if you are Baptized in the Holy Spirit – see our article here on that subject.) Scripture tells us in Mark 16:16-18 “He who has believed and… Read more »
We initially receive the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation. Jesus promised Holy Spirit would come after He ascended again from His death on the Cross. At this point, they had become “believers” – they had seen His life, death and resurrection again and believed that He was the Son of God. Jesus imparted Holy Spirit on the disciples… Read more »
As Christians, we are ALL called to “teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. 2 Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance… 15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.” Titus 2:4 Because I… Read more »
I can give you two immediate answers and then flesh it out for you: 1. I’m totally unqualified 2. Lacking in solid virtue Back in the day, we hear of men and women of renown who God chose because of their solid character, their fire and dedication. Katherine Kuhlman comes to mind, Billy Graham, David Wilkerson, people of tremendous character… Read more »
There are many times we hear God’s thoughts, not audibly but with our understanding, the problem is, we are so used to living in a fast paced world full of noise, we don’t recognize that He is speaking to us. To recognize it, we have to slow down and tune into His frequency, literally. Thought waves can be measured electronically… Read more »