I I don’t understand why or how “intimacy” you talk about is related to the Rapture and my salvation.

I accepted Jesus at one time, I said the prayer and meant it in my heart. This intimacy seems like “works” to get to heaven.

This is probably one of the most misunderstood, and unfortunately misleading ideas amongst people who consider themselves Christians. Yes, we are saved by faith,but Jesus requires us to abide in Him and He abides in us.

Jesus said (John 15:5-7) to His followers “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.” There is an aspect of our salvation that requires a close intimate relationship – “abiding” in each other. Intimacy would be another word to describe this “abiding” relationship

“I’m saved, and whenever Jesus comes I’m all good.” Although the sometime controversial issue of “once saved-always saved” gets taught often, it it certainly at odds with what Jesus specifically said about “abiding” together with Him.

Here the problem that the Lord Lays out in His written word. He desires a ongoing “alive” relationship with his bride. Many people make a one time commitment, but built no relationship with Jesus through worship, prayer, staying in a repentant position as it comes to ongoing daily sin – not sins of the past that are washed clean at the moment of salvation. But, when a person goes on with life in any sort of “practicing” sin and doesn’t obey the Lords commandments found is scripture, that person is “breaking” their relationship with the King.

Imagine a bride who after she gets engaged, runs off and hangs with multiple boyfriends and other distractions (maybe she’s still wearing the engagement ring) but pays no mind to her fiancé, can you imagine the hurt and heart-ache he would feel?

Jesus told John in the book of Revelation (Revelation 3:16) in the letter to the last-days church of Laodiceans that they were “lukewarm” and that He was ready to spit them out of His mouth for being lukewarm. Who are the Lukewarm? Take a hard look at your relationship with Jesus. How much time from your day does he get in thought or communication? She the point?

All this intimacy here at HeartDwellers is intended to help re-build or build fresh that intimate relationship with Jesus. So, when He comes for His Church / Bride… she will be abiding in Him and ready.

The parable that Jesus taught His disciples with about the wise and foolish virgins waiting for the bridegroom to come at midnight further explains that right about now, there are a large number of people who consider themselves christian who are not ready to go with the groom!. Please notice that both groups are “virgins”, but only some are ready. The oil that they are missing is the Holy Spirit filled up and active in their lives. That Holy Spirit is there because of an active “working” relationship building process with Jesus. That’s basically what Jesus is using this Heartdwellers ministry for.

It’s not about works or doing things to be approved, but about building a relationship with Jesus, The Father, and The Holy Spirit so that He knows you and you know Him. Think of it as what would be normal in a courting relationship. Except that Jesus is super serious about His Bride being clean and ready by being clothed in His Righteousness (by repenting and drawing close to Him) and being filled with the Holy Spirit which is Him in you as an active part of your everyday life.

submitted by Tad

3 thoughts on “I I don’t understand why or how “intimacy” you talk about is related to the Rapture and my salvation.

    1. Carol Jennings Post author

      Awww…I can’t imagine why that would require bravery! We’re just people, nothing special. Just fully in love with Jesus and trying to obey Him!


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