We are asked this question over and over again on the channel. It seems there are many that absolutely insist that you can’t use the name of Jesus, but must call Him Mashiach, Hamashiach, or any number of variations of names instead. Is this true?
Does the Letter “J” exist in Hebrew, Latin or Greek?The answer to this question is no. In fact, there was no letter ‘J’ in any language prior to the 14th century in England. The letter did not become widely used until the 17th century.
The Encyclopedia Americana contains the following quote on the J: “The form of ‘J’ was unknown in any alphabet until the 14th century. Either symbol (J,I) used initially generally had the consonantal sound of Y as in year. Gradually, the two symbols (J,l) were differentiated, the J usually acquiring consonantal force and thus becoming regarded as a consonant, and the I becoming a vowel.
It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England.” Note, in the original 1611 version of the King James Version of the Bible there was no “J” letter in this Bible for because it did not exist. James was spelled Iames. Jesus was spelled Iesous… In Late Latin Jesus was original spelled Iesus; In Greek it was spelled Ièsous; and in ancient Hebrew spelled “yÈshÙa,” which is a contraction of yehÖshÙa (Joshua), help of Jehovah yÀh, Jehovah + hÖshïa, to help. [sic]*
Hmmm… It appears that the actual NAME “Jesus” wasn’t around for many years… Does it really matter? Has God been angry and offended all these years since the 1600’s that we are using a different name for Yeshua. Or Iesus. Or Ièsous?
I suppose if God were only Holy, Mighty and Untouchable, it would. I suppose if Holy Spirit didn’t lead Paul to teach the Romans in chapter 8:15 You haven’t received the spirit of slaves that leads you into fear again. Instead, you have received the spirit of God’s adopted children by which we call out, “Abba! Father!” which, according to the Easton’s Bible Dictionary “is translated “father.” It is a term expressing warm affection and filial confidence” – it would. I suppose, if God were only the Righteous Judge over the world…it would.
But He’s not. He IS our Abba, our Papa. He IS LOVE personified. He has called us His sons and daughters, His Children, even His Friends… He tells us we are His treasured possession, His heir, the apple of His eye. We are not held off away from Him in fear and trembling, as the Israelites who feared to approach the mountain. No – we are rather as Moses, who met with God as a treasured son, spoke to Him and was dearly loved by this Great and Mighty God.
I like the way a dear Soul put it once. (I’d cite his name, but I don’t have it…)
“They say it wasn’t no “J” until 500 years ago and His name wasn’t Jesus back there. I believe that, too. Jesus is not a Hebrew name. So, why is it that God still answers prayers and heals and fills people with the Holy Spirit, etc. in that name? People say He’s almighty, all-powerful, all-loving, all-knowing, but don’t believe that He can hear them when they call on Him from the heart by that name?
“God looks at the heart! God knows those that are His. My kids, when calling me, call me “Pop”. Pop is not my name, but I answer them because I know my kids and their voices. How can God be all knowing and don’t know the voice of His kids? Yeshua is the Hebrew name. It means “Yahweh [the Lord] is Salvation.” The English spelling of Yeshua is “Joshua.” However, when translated from Hebrew into the Greek language, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. The English spelling for Iēsous is “Jesus.”
“English speakers call Him Jesus, with a “J” that sounds like “gee.” Portuguese speakers call Him Jesus, but with a “J” that sounds like “sjeh,” and Spanish speakers call Him Jesus, with a “J” that sounds like “hey.” Which one of these pronunciations is the correct one?
“All of them, of course, in their own language. The Bible doesn’t give preeminence to one language (or translation) over another. We are not commanded to call upon the name of the Lord in Hebrew only. Acts 2:21 says, But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
“God knows who calls upon his name, whether they do so in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or Hebrew. He is still the same Lord and Savior.
“That’s why He still answers.”
*taken from an article written by: Dr. Lee Warren, B.A., D.D. Edited by Dr. Michelle Huff “How Did the Name Jesus Originate?” on the website: http://www.plim.org/JesusOrigin.htm
Carol Jennings
Please compile if possible…could we reprint for those of us left behind? Very edifying yet practical.
Yes, you are always allowed to print any of our publications. Never thought of compiling them – I’ll consider it!