…that Jesus has given me such a heart for His Mother over the last few years. For twenty-seven years I carried around dogma in my heart regarding Mother Mary. Jesus has led me out of all of it, cleansing both my mind and my heart, giving me the truth about her and the proper perspective that I should have towards her. Oh, how I have now come to love our Blessed Mother Mary! I am so overjoyed with what Jesus is sharing with us here on the channel about her now! He has even led to me to creating and building my own Rosaries over the last year, I sometimes chuckle to myself about that, who would have ever thought that I would be doing that, not me! Really something, the transformation He has done in my heart for her. Something I could have never come to terms with thirty years ago when I gave my life to Christ. This singular transformation alone in my heart for Mother Mary testifies to the truth of what has been shared here on the channel recently. My hope and prayer for us all here is that we all will come to a deep and profound love for our Blessed Mother Mary.