It was many years ago that my heart had rest about Mary

…despite the nagging problems I had had with reconciling the Scripture about the brothers of Jesus.  However, the message I received that clarified her place was in the form of a question that was posed to me in the Spirit. And that was, “How Holy is your God? 99%? 99.99999%?”

I immediately understood. I now pose the same question to people who ask me about Mary. How Holy is your God? God is Holy beyond measure and hence Mary must be at the highest level of holiness, prepared and set apart by God Himself to incarnate through. Well, this may be difficult for some to understand but when I received it, it was very clear to me.

I might also quickly add that almost in the same manner I was led to clarity on the Communion of the Saints by the Lord, when He opened my eyes to John 11:15-16. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in Me, even though they die, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

And the question posed in my heart was, “If they live forever in Me, what do you think they are doing in Heaven?” I understood.


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