Many well-meaning Christians will immediately, negatively judge another Christian who may belong to any form of organized religion or denomination, especially the Catholic denomination. Our Lord wants us to see others not through our own eyes, but through HIS eyes… and He reads a person’s heart and motives whereas we tend to judge others by appearances.
There are many Christians our Lord is calling out of main-stream religions, but there are many He has chosen to keep within a certain denomination for reasons only He decides. Yes, this also includes many in the Catholic Church. The Lord may call some out of that Church, but someone else may be used WITHIN that church for His purposes. These souls are not of ANY Church, but belong only to Jesus Christ.. and they remain where chooses to place them.
Many of the Catholic saints were Catholics until the day they died, but in their spirits, they never clung to any denomination. They clung only to Jesus. Examples of genuine saints who happened to be Catholic that died while serving the Lord WITHIN the Catholic Church are St. Francis of Assisi, Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity, Sister Faustina, St. Frances De Sales, Therese of Lisuex., Gabrielle Bossis, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, to name a few. Our Lord used the Catholic church in their lives, .. and that is where He met them and where they embraced Him.. not a church, not a creed but HIM!
“Catholic” Prayers:
Some have problem with Catholic prayers. Feeling that if they say them, then they are not being faithful to the Lord. Well, if a prayer from any denomination – including the Catholic denomination is spoken with total sincerity and simplicity, and one means the words they pray and are not just parroting the prayer without paying attention to it…then these kinds of prayers are actually edifying spiritually and the Lord hears them just as He does with any sincere prayer. It is when they spoken as a ritual without any sincerity behind them that they have little effect at all.
This is the same with all prayers.. including the Lord’s Prayer that He taught the disciples. When our Lord prayed, He prayed through the Holy Spirit and He had such a connection with the Father that His face practically glowed.. just like Moses! His disciples were envious and wanted Him to teach THEM to pray like He did. When the Holy Spirit is involved in a prayer, then yes, the Divine Chaplet Prayer becomes an anointed prayer through Him.
The Harlot Church Mentioned in Revelations:
The Harlot Church is actually ALL organized religion on this Earth.. it is not just one denomination. All Churchdom on this Earth has sold itself to the World’s Beast System,.. and this also includes the Protestant Churches and Baptist and Pentecostal Churches. Not one Church or religion has not allied itself in some way with this World. Even much of our Worship Music is affected and influenced by the trends of the Secular Music World. So, not one Christian can brag that they are more in alignment with God than another. Jesus is bringing us all to Him alone, through the Holy Spirit if we respond to Him.
He is separating us from the Mixture of Babylon and this World System that is within each of us and sanctifying us to Himself as His true Bride.
God Works With Each of Us Differently
Brothers and sisters, we need to realize that our Lord works differently for each of us. He may require something out of us that He does not require with someone else.
God is calling us ALL to Himself, often THROUGH the churches of this World where we find ourselves. Eventually His Spirit will lead us out of a particular area, after it has served it’s purpose spiritually for us. If He has done this in our lives, we must not judge those who have not felt called to come out of where He has called us out of. He may be working in their lives in a different way than He is working with us.
We need to keep in mind that there are, in every age, many true saints within all of these denominations. That while they may not have been called out physically, are called out and sanctified by Him spiritually and made separate and unaffected by the harlotry WITHIN the church itself by the Holy Spirit. For reasons known only to Him, He chooses for them to physically remain there as His Lights, where as with another, He may call them out totally from ALL denominations.
All churches on this Earth are imperfect, and are but the husk that our Lord condescends to use until mankind is brought into His perfect Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. Then all the “husks” will fall away and be no more, and all will be brought under His perfect Kingship and dominion.
TRUE Unity
It is the Holy Spirit alone Who can bring true unity between mankind of all denominations. Ecumenicism is merely man’s attempt at unifying all religions as one. True unity comes only through Christ, through the Holy Spirit.
My great aunt was a Catholic Nun. My late pastor was a non-denominational pastor, who was baptized by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brought the both of them together, because both LISTENED to the Holy Spirit however He chose to spoke to them. And they both belonged to HIS Invisible Church and Kingdom, regardless of the fact that one was Catholic and one could be classified as Pentecostal. It’s all through our Lord, folks.
Unity is in and through Him!
submitted by Lisa
The above information has really been helpful to understand that Jesus looks at the heart of all of us and he will draw you out of a cult or one or other church if He wants to use you somewhere else, I can testify to that. After 38 years of being a Jehovah’s Witness Jesus opened my eyes to the teachings of the Watchtower Organization that was not biblical and correct, but at the same time I can say I did learn how to hold bible studies and speak to people unafraid, for that I am grateful.