So, I’d like to share what happened to me after praying rosary.

I did 4 of the sacraments as a child, as requested by an aunt. Never understood or believed anything and ended up back in the anti-Catholic camp.

2 years ago, I became born again and needed heavy deliverance. A lot of witchcraft was done to me as a child/abuse/etc. Jesus led me to a deliverance ministry here in Seattle. It’s about 12 of us and our pastor, all we do is fight demons, so we are all severely tormented (attack in dreams, physical, etc. a lot of what Heartdwellers go through).

The Lord brought me to this Channel, because I was lost, lacked understanding and severely confused. By his grace I’ve grown, but still suffer severe attacks. The Lord had been prompting me to pray the Rosary, but I just ignored it. I liked learning from the Saints, but not into “Catholic prayers.” I always believed all those bleeding statues, visions of Mary etc. (Mary fanatics) was just ‘way out’ there. I even bought books from an ex-Satanist that confess that the Queen of Heaven is a top demon working with Satan, and that all Catholics are deceived to ‘worship’ Mary.

A couple weeks ago Sis Claire mentioned this book, Book of Azariahfrom Saint Maria Valtorta. It speaks about the mystery and truth about Mary’s life etc.—her role in the Gospel. Anyways, I began to pray the rosary. It was a battle to do so. By God’s grace, whenever I’m doing something that is hitting the demons, my kids would go crazy. I prayed it 1 night and I could sleep that night for the first time in 2 years, at least for a couple hours without demonic attack.

I tried to pray the rosary one morning and the kids began to act up. I had to lock myself in the bathroom to do it! Anyways. I’m no one, but since I began to pray the rosary, I’ve got some peace in my house. Demons hate it!!! Satan hates it!!! It’s the only prayer that I’ve prayed and immediately everything changes. It’s a mighty, powerful gift from the Father, and I praise him for it.

To God be the Glory. Hallelujah!!!I Love all of you with the Love of The Lord

A Heartdweller

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